Thursday, November 8, 2018

film plan


Dan feels his life is lonley and aweful, he receives a text from an anonymous person to get on a train at a specific time, he bumps into a person who drops a book, he goes to give the book back but the mysterious man has disappeared, on the train he puts the book down and it opens on its own,  he reads, it turns out the book is his own story, he looks away and a quill apears with a note telling him to write your own story, so he tests it out when he gets off the train, arriving at home he writes that he has a really nice car, he goes and checks the garrage, it worked, so he goes on making his life better, until he has everything he dreamed, , he learns that the life he has is fine and burns the book, he wakes up and learns to look on the bright side of life.

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